Lake Erie Shores Blue Star Mothers

The Village of Gibsonburg is pleased to support Welker-Smith Post American Legion #17 Auxiliary and the Lake Erie Shores Blue Star Mothers with their efforts to raise supplies for Soldier Care Packages.
A collection box is available at Town Hall until February 28th for anyone who would like to donate items listed for the benefit of the brave men and women serving our country.

Official Web Site "Click Here"

Facebook Page "Click Here"

May be an image of text


May be an image of ticket stub and text that says 'S ERIE SHORES BLUE STAR OTHERS Soldier Care Package Shopping List ChapStick Shaving Cream Sunscreen Shampoo/Conditioner Hand Sanitizer Gatorade Powdered Drink Flavored Coffee Creamer Body Wash Tampons/Pads Hard Candy Granola Bar Deodorant Instant Oatmeal Toothpaste Protein Bars Toothbrush Gum Ramen Noodles Jerky (no pork) Disposable Razors Cereal Hand Lotion Bar Soap /Pretzels Baby Wipes Tuna to-go Package Floss Mac & Cheese Cups Peanuts/Other Nuts Popcorn Foot/Body Powder Kleenex Small Bouncy Balls मै Stationary Microwaveable ਮੈं Hand Warmers Playing Cards Puzzle Books Soldier Bibles Lake Erie Shores Blue Star Mothers'